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Your January Real Estate Horoscope

by | Jan 3, 2022

Jupiter’s move into Pisces gives us all an uplifting sentiment and renewed hope for the future this month. This optimism will help carry us through January’s Mercury retrograde which loves throwing plans for a loop. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks this month; this year has plenty of goodness in store. Signing contracts during Mercury retrograde is, in fact, okay – as long as you meticulously review and understand all details beforehand, as should always be the case. Mercury makes connections to retrograding Venus and Pluto this month, so expect some surprising news and maybe some unexpected expenses.

Aries (March 21 – April 19 )

January kicks off with Venus retrograding, causing a reevaluation of your public image and your personal values at work. Unexpected funds may flow in from gifts or an inheritance; use these funds for long-term security such as an income producing multi-family investment property. Mercury retrograding on the 14th may cause miscommunication among colleagues so pause and hear the whole story before responding when issues arise. Jupiter gives you an opportunity to spend more time alone or to work on personal projects. Relax and recharge your energy by warming up in saunas or next to fireplaces and bonfires as much as possible this month.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Use the January 2nd new moon to set your real estate intentions for the year, then begin moving towards your goals during the last week of the month. Mercury retrograde may create unexpected delays and surprises at work, while Venus continues its retrograde, delaying possible travel plans abroad. Jupiter brings abundance to your social networks and help from those with whom you work – discuss your real estate vision with like-minded colleagues and friends to help solidify your path. New plants in your office space will help ground and center you.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The year begins with Jupiter bringing good fortune to your career. Take advantage of this abundance at work to go for that promotion or expand your business. Venus continues retrograding, making it a good time to be cautious with investments to minimize long-term risk. Mercury retrograde might bring surprising news regarding travel, publishing, or legal trials. Explore breath work techniques to calm irritability, and ensure a healthy exercise routine that includes fresh air.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Mercury retrograde might bring surprising news or complications with loans, mortgages, or other investment assets, while Venus retrograding through your house of relationships can affect your business or life partner’s resources. Be thankful to Mercury for helping you let go of what no longer serves you. Jupiter brings an opportunity to develop or deepen your meditation practice. Use the energy of the full moon in Cancer to revisit your real estate wish list, then take time daily to visualize achieving everything you want. Try salt baths or float tanks to decompress and connect with your watery nature.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Jupiter brings you opportunities to profit from investments and partnerships this month. Leverage this energy by clearly defining your vision for your real estate portfolio this year, in five years, and beyond. Mercury retrograde could bring misunderstandings in your business partnerships, while Venus retrograding may have you reconsidering your work with independent contractors. Combat stress by getting into the sun, whether on a short trip to a tropical climate, or by sitting in silence with your eyes closed in the sunniest part of your home.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Jupiter brings good luck in your relationships and the possibility of an important new personal connection or business partner coming into your life. Venus retrograde may impact your work projects and have you rethinking the content you are creating online. Beware of miscommunications or misdirected group emails or texts going to the wrong work colleagues. It’s time to move towards buying the land you’ve been wishing for; set your intentions during the January 2 new moon, then keep your eyes on the prize and watch your plan unfold.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Jupiter brings an opportunity for expanding your business or contracts while Venus may bring unexpected expenses with your home or properties. Your innate need for balance is emphasized with these planetary alignments; use the full moon energy on January 2 and 31 to establish or strengthen your mental and physical well-being routines. With Mercury retrograding, don’t get hung up on surprise tech issues when creating content, or hurdles that may arise with work projects. Use your diplomacy skills to smooth over any resulting conflicts. Feed your craving to be social by spending time with new and old friends this month, and take advantage of any opportunities you have to stargaze.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Jupiter brings exciting enhancements to your creative projects this month, while Venus retrograde makes it a good time to review your skill sets and see what courses would add value to your online content. Mercury retrograde might create unexpected home expenses or delays with building projects. Don’t be discouraged by these delays because they will lead to better outcomes in the near future. If you’ve got your sights set on a vacation home, properties with a view of the water will bring out the best in you. Trust your intuition when viewing properties. Just because a home is lovely, doesn’t mean it’s for you.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Jupiter brings expansion and abundance into your house of home and family, allowing for opportunities to buy land, new homes, or to upgrade your current home. Venus retrograde in your house of income and resources could result in surprise work-related expenses while Mercury retrograde may bring IT problems to your marketing efforts. Leverage your mutable nature to adapt, improvise, and overcome; these hurdles are cyclical and will result in positive gains if you keep your focus on long-term goals.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Jupiter brings good fortune to your entrepreneurial work this month. Take advantage and consider branching out to different advertising markets and making more connections locally. If your home is on the market now or it will be soon, prioritize fixing minor and major issues as Mercury retrograde may interfere with getting the price you want otherwise. Venus retrograde pushes you to redefine your public image. Use your leadership skills to authentically showcase yourself in the best light. This will attract good people and opportunities to you.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Jupiter’s move into Pisces brings abundance and an optimistic boost to your resources. Watch out for overblown expenses going hand in hand with your increased income. Venus retrograde allows you to re-evaluate self-destructive habits and gives you more time to work on projects at home. If you’re working on a fixer-upper, mitigate Mercury retrograde’s influence and maximize progress by avoiding vague or confusing communication with contractors or business partners. Double check important emails, texts, and business proposals before sending them.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Jupiter brings an overall sense of good fortune and increased confidence in yourself this month, while Mercury retrograde might dredge up secrets or reveal news that takes you by surprise. Triple check contracts, clarify details during negotiations, and pore over the fine print for any real estate transactions this month. Venus continues retrograding through your house of networks and supportive people, so make an extra effort to be level headed during business related conflicts this month. Clear mental clutter by submerging yourself in a bath, hot tub, or pool as frequently as possible.

When the stars are aligned for you to buy, sell, invest, or rent real estate, reach out to us.

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