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Kofi Goes To The Beach Cities On “Selling LA”

by | Sep 13, 2013

On Kofi Natei Nartey’s most recent episode of HGTV’s “Selling LA,” titled “Redondo Beach or Bust!,” he faces two challenges when finding a home for Justin and Missy, a soon-to-be married couple living in Redondo Beach, CA.

First off, their price range of $600,000 to the $700,000s is limiting for the Redondo Beach area, where, according to Zillow, the average home sold for $757,500 from May- July 2013; for the sought out South Redondo neighborhood, the median price is $865,000. Justin tells Kofi that he wants to be “running distance” from the beach, and his heart is set on this requirement.

The couple also wishes to be settled into their new home before their upcoming wedding.

The first house Kofi takes the couple to see meets all their requirements – it is spacious with a yard and close to the beach – perfect for expanding their family, as Missy wishes to do shortly after the wedding. What wasn’t perfect was the price, however, which was out of their budget.

Kofi’s next tactic was to take the couple to a beautiful home in Torrance, which neighbors Redondo Beach but is not quite as close to the beach. He hoped they would compromise on the location; however, it was a no-go. Though they loved all the specs and the price, its distance from the beach did not work for them. Justin even jokingly asked Kofi to move the house over to Redondo.

Kofi seemed to hit it on the nose with the third house. Missy loved the space, but worried about the upstairs master bedroom being separated from the other bedrooms, which are downstairs, for when the couple has kids. But once Kofi showed her the master bedroom, which is spacious enough to include a crib or two in the corner, she was sold. Justin loved the turnkey look. Though the price was a bit high, through negotiations and the money they’d save from not having to remodel, there was hope.

Could Kofi negotiate a deal to get these couple into their dream home before their wedding? Was house number three the home? Tune in and find out.

Connect with Kofi Natei Nartey on Twitter (@KofiSellingLA) for more information on luxury homes in LA.

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